Update: Koppert in Ukraine and Russia, emergency shelter

The worrying situation in Ukraine and Russia has our full attention. We are following the situation closely and a crisis team has been set up to respond to the rapidly changing situation and conditions.  In Ukraine we offer our dealers and customers maximum support and are in regular contact with them.

Koppert strongly condemns Russian governments’ invasion.  We feel an urgent responsibility for our colleagues, their families, growers and consumers in countries involved in the conflict. Given that food availability is one of the basic necessities of life, Koppert's position on this is that our colleagues, friends, families and the citizens of Ukraine, Russia and effected countries, who strongly condemn this war should not suffer from this situation and should continue to have access to food. We will continue to supply our current customers in Russia.

In addition, the UBO (Ultimate Beneficial Owners – a restrictional law of the US and Europe) will be determined for all our current customers in Russia. If a person is on the sanction list, the sale of our products to this customer will be stopped immediately.

Support initiatives
Within Koppert we are seeing multiple initiatives to support the people of Ukraine in any way possible. We have colleagues close to the region who are helping with the evacuation and shelter of refugees and colleagues who are collecting supplies and transporting them to Ukraine and Poland.

At headquarters, the mayor of Berkel en Rodenrijs contacted Koppert to ask how and where we can offer help in case of emergency shelter for refugees for a longer period of time. We will keep you updated on the further developments. We can imagine employees also want to offer physical help. More information about offering help, will follow.

In addition, The Koppert Foundation has set up a support fund for Ukraine in which we deposit € 25,000. For each personal contribution by our employees to this support fund, we will contribute the same amount up to a maximum of € 25,000. This way, we hope to be able to donate € 75,000 to aid projects. The Koppert Foundation will monitor this through its network and provide us with the necessary information to which projects we have contributed. You can transfer your own financial contribution to the Koppert Foundation via bank account number NL32 RABO 0321 135342, ​​​​​​​BIC-code RABONL2U (for international payments).

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