Koppert foundation applications

Interested to collaborate with Koppert Foundation?

On this page you can submit a project proposal for collaboration or support. The project must fit within the goals and one of the three focus areas of the Koppert Foundation. Please follow the instruction on this page.

Update 2024-04-12: We currently do not take new applications

1. Focus area's

▢ YES, The project benefits one or more small holder farmers, OR
▢ YES, The project supports innovation or education in sustainable farming or biological crop control, OR
▢ YES, I am a Koppert employee and my project benefits a need in my social network

If you marked one of the three questions with YES, you can proceed. If not go to nr. 4

2. Aims

▢ YES, the project contains 1 or more of the following subjects:
          ▢ Education
          ▢ Health
          ▢ Nutrition
          ▢ Economic development
          ▢ Social responsibility of a Koppert employee

If you marked the question with YES, you can proceed, if not go to nr 4

3. Commitment

▢ YES, I am personally involved or interested in this project.

If you marked the question with YES, you can proceed, if not go to nr 4.

4. We are sorry,

your project seems not to fit within our criteria; we wish you success in finding another partner organization.